Electrician Theory Test 1 I Year


Electrician I Year Test 1

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1) Calculate the total capacitance value in the circuit.

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2) What is the unit of capacitance?

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3) Which is the application of series circuit?

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4) Which resistor the lowest current flows in a  parallel circuit having the values of 50 Ω 220 Ω,  450 Ω and 560 Ω connected with supply?

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5) Calculate the hot resistance of 200W / 250V rated lamp.

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6) What is the total inductance if 3 inductors (L1, L2 and L3) are connected in series?

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7) What is the voltage drop in resistor ‘R2’ in the series circuit?

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8) What is the unit of Magneto Motive Force (MMF)?

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9) Which is inversely proportional to the resistance of a conductor?

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10) How the value of capacitance can be decreased?

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11) Which is the diamagnetic substance?

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12) Which factor affects the polarity of the electromagnet?

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13) Which material is having negative temperature co-efficient property?

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14) What is the value of resistance in an open circuit?

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15) What is the name of the resistor?

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16) What is the formula for Quantity of electricity (Q)?

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17) What is the value of resistance of the resistor?

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18) Calculate the value of resistance ‘R2’ in the parallel circuit.

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19) What is the effect of the circuit, if ‘ab’ points are shorted?


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20) 16 What electrical quantities are related in Ohm’s law? |

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