Employability Skill & Information TechnologyTest 1

Employability Skill & Information TechnologyTest 1 The content is developed with VARK (Visual Aural (Auditory) Read (Reading/writing) Kinesthetic) learning styles with customized strategies to improve communication and learning generally. Hence, the content has been structured in the form of workbooks to build meaningful learning experiences assuming that the ITI trainees need to start learning English and communication from scratch.

Employability Skill & Information TechnologyTest 1 A facilitator guide has also been developed to enable the Employability Skills course instructors deliver the lessons in the structured format for effective internalization of the content by the ITI trainees. The Employ ability Skills content is designed with lessons in an hourly structure. The lessons are designed to enable learning from the simple to complex concepts in an activity-based format. The lessons shall provide adequate scope for internalization of concepts through illustrations and meaningful activities structured from guided, controlled to free use. Formative assessment shall be built in at appropriate intervals to facilitate consolidation of the learning. Cohesion between the lessons shall ensure that concepts are revisited all along the learning process thereby making the learning process meaningful, rewarding and enjoyable. The lessons are structured using the I CARE model of instructional design. I CARE model is an end-user oriented model that facilitates meaningful learning in an activity-based approach. The acronym I CARE stands for: Employ ability skills: Employ + Ability | The ability to be employed is employ ability! It includes all the skills that can help a trainee succeed in any job.

Employ ability Skill & Information Technology 1

Employability Skill & Information TechnologyTest 1
Business people showing document to client. Computer, profile, diagram. Employment concept. Vector illustration can be used for topics like headhunting, human resources, recruitment

Behavioural Skills: In the 21st century, success belongs to those who have the confidence and ability to learn new skills! The knowledge and skills that you learn today will be outdated in the next few years. But, if you learn how to learn new skills on your own, you will never have to worry about it.

English Literacy: If you can read and write basic English, you become eligible for jobs all over the world! And, all it takes is one hour of practice every day. Isn’t this very exciting? Communication: When the instructor asks you a question, are you always able to raise your hand and answer without hesitation? Do you find it easy to introduce yourself to a visitor? If you learn the skill of communication, you will never have to worry again about ‘hesitation’. You will be able to express your ideas and thoughts to anyone!
IT Literacy: Would you need to create your resume / CV in the near future? Would you like unlimited access to knowledge about latest technologies? Would you like to learn how to make payments online? Learning IT literacy teaches you all of this and more. The trainee who masters IT Literacy module can create a better resume, find better jobs and learn news skills faster! Employability Skill & Information TechnologyTest 1

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Employability Skill Test 1

1 / 20

1) स्प्रेडशीट हे..... एस्कटेन्शनच्या आधारे साठवले जातात?

2 / 20

2) Which is a cardinal number?

3 / 20

3) वर्ड फाईलचे एक्शटेन्शन ........आहे?

4 / 20

4) विंडो हि...................आहे.

5 / 20

5) मुलाखती दरम्यान न करण्याची गोष्ट कोणती?

6 / 20

6) कामगार कायदा भारतात कोणत्या वर्षी अमलात आला?

7 / 20

7) खालीलपैकी आउटपुट उपकरण कोणते?

8 / 20

8) उद्योजकतेलाच ...............असेही म्हणतात?

9 / 20

9) संगणक  व   दूरध्वनि यांना जोडण्यासाठी कोणते उपकरण लागते?

10 / 20

10) स्वॉट पृथ्कारणात "S"  म्हणजे...........

11 / 20

11) स्प्रेडशीट हे..... एस्कटेन्शनच्या आधारे साठवले जातात?

12 / 20

12) CV चा विस्तार.........आहे.

13 / 20

13) Which one is in active voice?

14 / 20

14) 1 BYTE =..............

15 / 20

15) फाईल copy करण्यासाठी जलदगती कळ कोणती?

16 / 20

16) शाब्दिक संवाद.........वापरते?

17 / 20

17) देहबोलीनुसार नखे कुरतडणे ...दर्शवते.

18 / 20

18) इलेक्ट्रोनिक माध्यमाद्वारे संदेश पाठविण्यासाठी ......वापरतात?

19 / 20

19) SWOT हे मुख्यता...........उपकरण आहे?

20 / 20

20) The expanstion of RAM is ......

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